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George Manuel

…George Manuel (1921-1989) was an Aboriginal political leader in Canada who held a number of influential roles throughout his career. George Manuel was born February 17, 1921, a member…


…workforce. This was partially due to growing competition from new immigrants (some of them willing to perform cheap labour) and to open racism in the hiring process.6 In addition, by…

Constitution Express

…of Ottawa came to us and asked us how we were doing and we told her, well, we only had about, we could count the number of billets we’d arranged…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…churches and the government of Canada could be sued as an entity. As the number of cases grew, a National Class Action was filed in 2002 for compensation for all…

About the REDress project

…that will later be installed in public spaces throughout Winnipeg and across Canada as a visual reminder of the staggering number of women who are no longer with us. Through…

Ipperwash Crisis

…land, a group of approximately 30 members of the band, including a number of children, began their occupation of the park on September 4, 1995. They planned to peacefully occupy…

Community & Politics

…innocent man. Political Figures George Manuel was a prominent political leader who held a number of influential roles in his career, including chief of the Neskonlith Indian Band of the…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…The UBCIC was founded in November 1969 when a number of chiefs across British Columbia united in response to the federal government’s proposed “White Paper,” a policy paper in which…


…“Aboriginal peoples” (plural) indicates a number of separate Aboriginal populations. To capitalize or to not capitalize? There is no official consensus on when to capitalize certain terms. Some people consider…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…exercising what they understand as their Aboriginal rights, such as hunting or fishing: Although s.35 guides court and government decisions that directly impact Indigenous Peoples, there remain a considerable number