Lake Forest Park City 1-800-239-6733 Flower delivery phone number same day

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Totem Poles

…a pole Carving a totem pole requires not only artistic skill, but an intimate understanding of cultural histories and forest ecology. Most totem poles are made from Western red cedar,…

The Residential School System (2009)

…to 44, suicide and self-inflicted injury is the number one cause of death, responsible for almost 40 percent of mortalities.18 First Nations women attempt suicide eight times more often than…

Global Actions

…and the Meech Lake Accord. In the Pacific Northwest, The Coast Salish Gathering represents Coast Salish peoples on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border. The Gathering was the first transnational…

About Sovereignty Performance

…large number of people that came by, hung out and even took part. I was even interviewed and was the front page story in“The Western Star” a local newspaper that…

Sixties Scoop

…protection was one of these areas.2 In 1951, twenty-nine Aboriginal children were in provincial care in British Columbia; by 1964, that number was 1,466. Aboriginal children, who had comprised only…

Oral Traditions

…stone anyone who misbehaved, resulting in a number of distinct geological formations throughout S’olh Temexw (or Stó:lō territory). Xe:xals also rewarded individuals who showed exemplary behaviour by turning them into…

Guerin Case

…Peter Kulchyski, Ed. “Guerin,” in Unjust Relations: Aboriginal Rights in Canadian Courts. (Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 1994). 151-181. Endnotes 1 Musqueam Band. “Musqueam Day 2020.” 2 Ibid. 3…


…a forest utilization site containing a CMT created prior to 1846 is protected by law.10 Today, Aboriginal peoples continue to create new CMTs as part of their cultural and economic…

George Manuel

…George Manuel (1921-1989) was an Aboriginal political leader in Canada who held a number of influential roles throughout his career. George Manuel was born February 17, 1921, a member…

Musqueam Legal History Digital Media Archive

…Musqueam Legal History — A Digital Media Archive The Musqueam Indian Band has been involved in a number of precedent-setting legal battles over the past few decades. Four of…