The Residential School System
…Discourse Magazine, 2018. [7] National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Canada), 355. [8] National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Canada), 355. [9]…
…from other Métis communities. An abundance of independent small-scale Métis societies are, perhaps problematically, represented by provincial and national organizations that seek to expand and develop further recognition of Métis…
The Residential School System (2009)
…of this land’s original peoples and, as their consequences still affect the lives of Aboriginal people today, they remain so. —John S. Milloy, A National Crime The residential school system…
George Manuel
…of BC, which launched his political career on a national and international stage. His proficiency at bringing people together to stand up for their rights was demonstrated on multiple occasions….
Totem Poles
…on a fishing trip.17 The pole was then shipped to Sweden, where it remained in storage until 1980, when it was finally put on display at the national Museum of…
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
…human rights obligations, even though the document itself explicitly gives precedence to international human rights (see Article 46). The UNDRIP may, however, provide guiding principles that national courts could use…
…2 Ibid. 3 Keith Thor Carlson, “Indian Reservations,” in A Stó:lΕ Coast Salish Historical Atlas, (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre), 2001, 94. 4 Cole Harris, Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and…
Global Actions
…Greenlandic founding organizations, Canada (members of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the National Indian Brotherhood), as well as the Saami of Scandinavia. The following year, in 1974, the International Indian…
Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom
…of Native Studies XXV, 2 (2005): 609-626. Films Club Native. Directed by Tracey Deer. Rezolution Pictures Inc/National Film Board of Canada, 2008. Endnotes 1 Canadian policy and legislation towards Aboriginal…