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buy land (money scrip). Scrip was used to transfer land to Métis peoples in Canada from 1885 until the 1920s. Land scrip allotted either 160 or 240 acres to a…

Totem Poles

…deceased wife and children. Starting in the early 1920s, the federal government adopted a policy of salvage anthropology and, fearing the decline of Indigenous art, began to buy out totem…

Berger Inquiry

…environment and aboriginal rights. The Berger Inquiry Project gives you a way to explore this history in depth. Click on the image below here to enter the project site….


…a forest utilization site containing a CMT created prior to 1846 is protected by law.10 Today, Aboriginal peoples continue to create new CMTs as part of their cultural and economic…

Welcome to Indigenous Foundations

…to the topic of the Indian Residential Schools, see Government Policy: The Residential School System. Special Project: The Berger Inquiry. This site now includes a special project on the MacKenzie…

Video Resources

…pages throughout the site, but you can also access them directly through this section. Below are short descriptions of the archives with links to more information, but you can also…

Mapping Tool: Kitsilano Reserve

…False Creek, in what is now Vancouver, British Columbia, was the site of an ancient village known in the Musqueam language, hən’q’emin’əm’, as sən’a?qw and in Skwxwú7mesh as Sen’ákw….

ILO Convention 169

…http://pro169.org/ This site’s many resources are primarily geared toward Indigenous leaders’ promoting the use of Convention 169 in their communities. Books & articles International Labour Organization. “Monitoring Indigenous and Tribal…

The Indian Act

…date on new episodes of RevisionQuest by visiting its official site at http://www.cbc.ca/revisionquest/ The “Potlatch Law” & Section 141 One of the most famous examples of this oppression and subsequent…

Special Projects

…Much of the content on Indigenous Foundations is designed to provide you with concise information on key topics in Indigenous studies. Some parts of this site, however, contain special…