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…“Aboriginal peoples” (plural) indicates a number of separate Aboriginal populations. To capitalize or to not capitalize? There is no official consensus on when to capitalize certain terms. Some people consider…

Aboriginal Title

…resource development in the province declined due to uncertainty over Aboriginal title. A number of First Nations throughout British Columbia had set up roadblocks and other similar protests in desperate…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…Constitution. One of these demonstrations was the Constitution Express, an action that contemporary activist Arthur Manuel describes as the most effective direct action in Canadian history, as it ultimately changed…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…The UBCIC was founded in November 1969 when a number of chiefs across British Columbia united in response to the federal government’s proposed “White Paper,” a policy paper in which…

Constitution Express

…of Ottawa came to us and asked us how we were doing and we told her, well, we only had about, we could count the number of billets we’d arranged…

About Sovereignty Performance

…large number of people that came by, hung out and even took part. I was even interviewed and was the front page story in“The Western Star” a local newspaper that…

George Manuel

…George Manuel (1921-1989) was an Aboriginal political leader in Canada who held a number of influential roles throughout his career. George Manuel was born February 17, 1921, a member…

Musqueam Legal History Digital Media Archive

…Musqueam Legal History — A Digital Media Archive The Musqueam Indian Band has been involved in a number of precedent-setting legal battles over the past few decades. Four of…


…workforce. This was partially due to growing competition from new immigrants (some of them willing to perform cheap labour) and to open racism in the hiring process.6 In addition, by…


…Red River Métis in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Pannekoek, Frits. “Métis Studies: The Development of a Field and New Directions.” In From Rupert’s Land to…