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Musqueam Legal History Digital Media Archive

…in order for it to be subdivided and leased to non-Band members. The leases began in 1966 and lasted 99 years, 30 years of which the rents were fixed at…

Oral Traditions

…of these stories from generation to generation keeps the social order intact. As such, oral histories must be told carefully and accurately, often by a designated person who is recognized…

Government Policy

…of Canada and Aboriginal peoples continue to struggle with a history of legislation and policy designed to terminate Aboriginal cultural and social distinctiveness in order to assimilate Aboriginal peoples…

Van der Peet case

…integral to the culture of the claimant. The test outlines ten criteria that must be met in order for a practice to be affirmed and protected as an Aboriginal right…

The Residential School System (2009)

…their non-Aboriginal peers. Post-secondary education was still considered out of reach for Aboriginal students, and those students who wanted to attend university were frequently discouraged from doing so.15 The process…

Totem Poles

…Robyn Hanson For many years in the history of British Columbia, the presence of totem poles in the province came under threat by non-Aboriginal settlers who predominantly viewed the poles…

Community & Politics

…Indian Chiefs. The Union of BC Indian Chiefs is a non-profit political organization representing numerous First Nations across BC in order to protect and further Aboriginal title and rights. The…

The Residential School System

…and associations” of “Indigenous languages, traditions and beliefs,” in order to accomplish “a radical re-socialization” aimed at instilling the children instead with the values of Euro-centric civilization”(Library and Archives Canada,…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…and associations” of “Indigenous languages, traditions and beliefs,” in order to accomplish “a radical re-socialization” aimed at instilling the children instead with the values of Euro-centric civilization”(Library and Archives Canada,…


…in Canada with “status” and “non-status Indians,” the legally defined categories of people under the Indian Act. On the other hand, terms can empower populations when the people have the…