South Komelik City

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Global Actions

…Treaty Council was formed in South Dakota, an offshoot of the American Indian Movement. It was one of the first international Indigenous organizations to gain recognition at the United Nations,…

Berger Inquiry

…coast of the Yukon to the Mackenzie Delta. Canadian natural gas would be added and the line would continue south to the United States. The “Maple Leaf” route was proposed…

George Manuel

…political unity of Indigenous peoples of North, Central and South America as well as Europe and Asia. He called this collection of Indigenous societies that had been swamped under successive…

The Residential School System (2009)

…Benedict XVI and travelled to Vatican City with the goal of obtaining an apology from the Catholic Church for its role in the residential school system. After the meeting, the…

Lease Lands Press

…6, 1999 The Westender, January 7, 1999 The Vancouver Sun, January 14, 1999 The Vancouver Sun, January 19, 1999 The Vancouver Courier, January 31, 1999 Terminal City News, February 5,…

Constitution Express

…As a result, 41 people immediately continued on to the United Nations headquarters in New York City, and presented their concerns before the United Nations to gain international attention.15 In…


…about who is Métis and who is not. For example, urban Métis are left out of the Powley decision, even though some Métis families have lived in the city for…

About the REDress project

…dresses taking over public space, streets and parks and trees covered in empty red dresses, until the whole city is mourning the loss of these women, until something is done….

About Sovereignty Performance

…small City, and to challenge the public. I wanted people to walk by, ask questions and even take part. The public reception was very positive in person! There were a…

ILO Convention 169

…Lee. “A New Step in the International Law on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: ILO Convention No. 169 of 1989,” Oklahoma City University Law Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, Fall 1990….