Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia
…restore Indian status to Aboriginal women who had married non-Aboriginal men. Over the next few decades the IHA also worked to support and improve Aboriginal women’s health, self-government initiatives, education,…
…Band councils are responsible for the governance and administration of band affairs, including education, band schools, housing, water and sewer, roads, and other community businesses and services. Traditionally, some First…
About Indigenous Foundations
…conceptual relationships in ways that are fundamental to the field of Indigenous studies. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project provided by UBC students via the Teaching and…
About the REDress project
…making work that provides viewers with the opportunity to approach them from a different perspective. My current work: The REDress Project, focuses around the issue of missing or murdered Aboriginal…
The Indian Act
…body of laws that for over a century have controlled every aspect of Indian life. As a regulatory regime, the Indian Act provides ways of understanding Native identity, organizing a…
Aboriginal Identity & Terminology
…situation. Prior to 1961, for instance, an “Indian” who acquired an education could be forcibly “enfranchised,” becoming a Canadian citizen, but losing status as an “Indian.” Prior to 1985, an…
Aboriginal Rights
…relationship. While each treaty differed, many historical treaties guaranteed that Aboriginal peoples would receive certain payments and rights, such as a right to hunt or fish, and rights to education….
Gustafsen Lake
…to make plans for further action.7 Meanwhile, many of the Sundancers feared for their lives. One called the RCMP to report the camouflaged individuals but at the time the RCMP…
…by The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund through UBC Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost, and The Arts IT Fund through UBC Arts Instructional Support and Information Technology. We…
Aboriginal Title
…title detracts focus from on-the-ground experiences of how title may or may not be recognized, and how Aboriginal peoples may assert their title in day-to-day experiences.3 As a result, some…