Natural Bridge City Call 1-614-647-0039 Emergency electrical service

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Berger Inquiry

natural gas in the Delta to justify the pipeline’s construction. Canada Today/Aujourd’hui, Volume 8, #5, Canadian Embassy, Washington, DC, 1977. (Click image for a larger version) Within the same period,…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…made sense of Aboriginal societies by viewing them through a European, patriarchal lens, assuming that Victorian principles represented the natural order of things. For instance, many settlers held onto Victorian…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…Northern Territory as an illustration of paternalistic policies towards Indigenous peoples. The intervention, known as the Northern Territory National Emergency Response, was created without Aboriginal consultation and required the lifting…


…Diane. “The Free People—Otipemisiwak,” Batoche, Saskatchewan, 1870–1930. Ottawa: National Historical Parks and Sites, Canada Parks Service, 1990. Peterson, Jacqueline, and Jennifer Brown, eds. The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Métis…

The Residential School System (2009)

…education as the general population in the public school system, and the schools were sorely underfunded. Teachings focused primarily on practical skills. Girls were primed for domestic service and taught…

The Indian Act

…“Bill C-21: An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act.” Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Law and Governance Division, 2008. Available online at: 9 “This apartheid law prohibited…

ILO Convention 169

…as natural resource extraction, while maintaining the integrity of their societies, territories, and cultures. The Convention further recognizes the right to Indigenous peoples to prioritize their own development needs (Article…

Totem Poles

…are made from rot-resistant cedar, last only about a hundred years before they begin to disintegrate.6 This disintegration is recognized as a natural part of a pole’s life cycle. Carving…

Mapping Tool: Kitsilano Reserve

…lands were fragmented and alienated from a much larger Indigenous landscape. The next 100 years saw the reserve intersected with railway lines, the Burrard Street bridge, and various leases. By…

Gustafsen Lake

…the turning point of the conflict. The RCMP sent a camouflaged Emergency Response Team (ERT) on a reconnaissance mission to determine how many weapons might be held in the Sundance…