Sixties Scoop
…“Canada has been slow to honour its commitment to uphold those rights and ensure the well-being of children.” The report addressed the situation of Aboriginal children in particular: “Improvements are…
…Learn Michif. An excellent, thorough website to learn about the Métis language Michif, as well as Métis cultures, history, and contemporary politics. Metis Culture and Heritage Resource Centre:…
Powley Case
…and again, the court ruled unanimously that as Métis people and members of a Métis community, the Powleys’ right to hunt was protected by Section 35. The Métis right to…
Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia
…under Canadian law. For many thousands of years, Indigenous communities successfully managed the fishery without the help of the Canadian state. Most importantly, Indigenous peoples never gave up the right…
Ipperwash Crisis
…its use as a burial ground. The government eventually expropriated the land under the War Measures Act, and compensated the Stony Point First Nation at $15 an acre. At the…
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
…here. In keeping with our strong commitment to human rights, and Indigenous rights in particular, New Zealand now adds its support to the Declaration both as an affirmation of fundamental…
…mind that we provide only a general overview, and this section does not reflect all the complexities and variations that are found among different First Nations. Starting with the base…
Totem Poles
…example, some Kwakwaka’wakw families of northern Vancouver Island belonging to the Thunderbird Clan will feature a Thunderbird crest and familial legends on their poles. Other common crests among coastal First…
Marginalization of Aboriginal women
…women in various and far-reaching ways. The Indian Act is only one of such policies, yet is the most common critique raised by scholars who point out how women were…
Gustafsen Lake
…viewed on Youtube: Aftermath Gustafsen Lake continues to serve an example of a situation where excessive police, military, and government control were deployed in what many believe should have…