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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…The introduction of canneries and a wage-based economy These chiefly economies continued, and in many ways became the backbone of the burgeoning, late 19th century industrial economy. With the advent…

The Residential School System

…as the Sixties Scoop; and legislations allowing forced sterilizations of Indigenous Peoples in certain provinces, a practice that has continued to be reported by Indigenous women in Canada as recently…

The Residential School System (2009)

…about what happened to her at the school.” – Musqueam Nation former chief George Guerin, Kuper Island school Stolen from our Embrace, p 62 European officials of the 19th century…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…not experience discrimination in their lives or that they cannot speak to a certain Aboriginal reality, but color functions socially in a person’s experience of discrimination, and for dark-skinned people…


…built on a small government budget, housing became yet another foreign and divisive experience imposed by reserves. The Odanak reserve in Quebec, in the territory of the Abanaki people. Photo…


…Water is heated in baskets using hot rocks, and once it comes to a boil, foodstuffs can be added. The withes of a cedar tree are strong, lightweight, and naturally…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…peace and war chiefs, decided the fate of war captives, prepared the purgative Black Drink at the centre of many Cherokee ceremonies, and led the women’s council. In his Diary…

The Indian Act

…resistance and adaptation is known as the “Potlatch Law.” In 1884, the federal government banned potlatches under the Indian Act, with other ceremonies such as the sun dance to follow…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

certain: once again, in Canadian society, two sets of definition, one based in law and legislation, the other in family tradition and community practice, operate on parallel, and often conflicting…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…as the Sixties Scoop; and legislations allowing forced sterilizations of Indigenous Peoples in certain provinces, a practice that has continued to be reported by Indigenous women in Canada as recently…