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…Rupert’s Land from the Hudson’s Bay Company, without consulting the inhabitants of the area. The Métis of Red River, fearing that their title and rights were being ignored, set up…

Sixties Scoop

…expanding resources for single parents and establishing juvenile probation services.15 A Métis Child-Family Services program based in Edmonton is another example of an organization which incorporates traditional values into its…

Bill C-31

…support reinstated individuals or bands in adding to their membership. Recommended reading Holmes, Joan. Bill C-31, equality or disparity? The effects of the new Indian Act on native women. Ottawa:…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…62, no. 1 (2010): 96. 6 Sheryl Lightfoot, “A Sea Change on the U.N. Declaration—Or Is It?” Indian Country Today, May 3, 2010. http://www.indiancountrytoday.com/opinion/92499529.html 7 Carwyn Jones, “New Zealand’s Support…

Indian Status

…such as band administration, education, and health care. The Indian Act has historically stated that those with Indian status have rights to live on reserves, share in band monies, vote…

Aboriginal Rights

…Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). Henderson, James Sákéj Youngblood. “Postcolonial Ledger Drawing.” In Marie Battiste, ed., Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (Vancouver: UBC


bark burned slowly, providing excellent tinder for matches and torches. Cedar wood is strong, lightweight, and straight-grained, so it is easy to split and carve, and made into totem poles,…

Aboriginal Title

…Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. Foster, Hamar, “Letting Go The Bone: The Idea of Indian Title in British Columbia, 1849-1927,” in Foster and McLaren, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian…

Gustafsen Lake

…rancher, Lyle James, who used the land as cow pasture. James and the Sundancers had reached an agreement that the Sundancers would assemble at the Sundance arbour area every summer…

Totem Poles

…Essays in Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth American Indian Workshop, eds. Barbara Saunders and Lea Zuyderhoudt (New York: Cornell University Press, 2004), 80. 10 Halpin, 35. 11 Vickers, 60. 12 Halpin,…