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Bill C-31

…the Indian Act status provisions. Lovelace joined the political action in the early 1970s, and took her case to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1974. When the Supreme Court…


…or unrecognized Métis peoples has been and will continue to be a major area of academic, legal, and political inquiry in Canada. And as scholars and other recognized experts revisit…

Global Actions

…with consultative status to the U.N. Social and Economic Council awarded in 1977. The IITC maintains a strong Canadian presence in the Treaty 6 area. George Manuel. Photo used with…

Sixties Scoop

…was not until 1980 that the Child, Family and Community Services Act required social workers to notify the band council if an Aboriginal child were removed from the community.5 An…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…Indigenous Peoples. Somerset: Transaction Publishers, 2009. Henderson, James Sa’ke’j Youngblood. Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples: Achieving UN Recognition. Saskatoon: Purich Publishing, 2008. Lightfoot, Sheryl. “A Sea Change on…

Aboriginal Rights

…Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). Henderson, James Sákéj Youngblood. “Postcolonial Ledger Drawing.” In Marie Battiste, ed., Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (Vancouver: UBC

Aboriginal Title

…Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. Foster, Hamar, “Letting Go The Bone: The Idea of Indian Title in British Columbia, 1849-1927,” in Foster and McLaren, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian…


…What is a band? A “Band”, or “Indian Band,” is a governing unit of Indians in Canada instituted by the Indian Act, 1876. The Indian Act defines a “band”…


bark burned slowly, providing excellent tinder for matches and torches. Cedar wood is strong, lightweight, and straight-grained, so it is easy to split and carve, and made into totem poles,…

Gustafsen Lake

…personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court refuses to extradite Canadian native.” the National Post. 23 November 2000, A4. 23 Switlo, personal communication, November 4, 2010….