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…Cultural Modified Trees,” 6. 9 Stewart 114. 10 Styd and Feddema, 12. 11 Ibid. 12 Stewart, 174. 13 Stewart, 165. 14 Stewart, 87. 15 Stewart, 84. 16 Stewart, 180….

Constitution Express

…read By Erin Hanson. Recommended resources The Constitution Express: A Multimedia History (DVD). Produced by Vicki L. George for UBCIC & UBC, 2007. Available at UBCIC Resource Centre, and can…

Sparrow Case

…treaty rights are hereby recognized and affirmed” in Section 35. Section 35 had been added to the Constitution in 1982 to protect Aboriginal rights. However, those rights had yet to…

Royal Proclamation, 1763

…our Royal Will and Pleasure, that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of our Colonies of Quebec, East Florida. or West Florida, do presume, upon any Pretence whatever,…

ILO Convention 169

education (Article 27), including education in one’s own language (Article 28). Read ILO Convention 169 here Since the mid-twentieth century, world leaders have attempted to develop international legislation to protect…

Community & Politics

…and title. We acknowledge that this section is by no means definitive, but instead provides a starting point for those interested in understanding the myriad ways in which Aboriginal peoples…

Powley Case

…are constitutionally protected, yet does not specifically define these rights, leaving that up to the courts. Because the Métis right to hunt had not been established by the courts, the…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…an Executive Committee. The Chiefs’ Council is comprised of chiefs from each of the member communities, and serves as the governing body of the UBCIC. The Chiefs’ Council meets at…

George Manuel

…of the Neskonlith Indian Band of the Shuswap Nation in British Columbia. In his early life, Manuel attended residential school and worked in the forest industry as a boom boss….


adversely affected by incursions by industrial economies, displacement, and settlement of their traditional territories by others. For more on how this term was developed, please see our section on global…