American Airlines Customer Service 800-299-7264 Online Flight Reservations

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About Tsu Heidei Shugaxtutaan

…attempt to define culture as it unfolds. Native American Art will not be commonly defined as our work moves freely through time. The viewer, collector, or curators’ definition often conveys…

Royal Proclamation, 1763

…Rights and Freedoms guarantees that nothing can terminate or diminish the Aboriginal rights outlined in the Proclamation. The Royal Proclamation also applied to the United States; however, American independence from…

Aboriginal Rights

…but has been built upon a foundation of British, American, and Aboriginal law.6 Indigenous philosopher and scholar Dale Turner has suggested that Aboriginal peoples must be central in defining their…

Guerin Case

…Constitution. By Tanisha Salomons & Erin Hanson Recommended Resources Supreme Court of Canada, Guerin v. The Queen, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335. Available online: Musqueam Band. “Musqueam Day 2020.”…

Powley Case

…Endnotes 1 Jean Teillet. “R. v. Powley, A Summary of the Supreme Court of Canada Reasons for Judgment.” Pape & Salter Barristers and Soliciters, 1. Available online at:étisRights_Powley_supremecourtsummary.pdf…

Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

…Barkaskas, Patricia. The Indian Voice: Centering Women in the Gendered Politics of Indigenous Nationalism in BC, 1969-1984. MA Thesis. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2009. Available online via UBC cIRcle:…


…resources Videos “Bill Reid” – National Film Board of Canada. “Importance of Cedar” – SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Images and online exhibits “Cedar: A Journey into…

ILO Convention 169

…Peoples’ Rights Through ILO Conventions: A compilation of ILO supervisory bodies’ comments 2009-2010.” International Labour Organization, 2010. Available online:—ed_norm/–normes/documents/publication/wcms_126028.pdf Schulting, Gerard. “ILO Convention 169: Can it help?” Swepston,…