Jetblue Airlines800-299-7264 Phone Number Change Flight Reservations

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Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…can change rapidly, changing the name of a building or established program often may only cause confusion or weaken its recognized identity without much functional gain. Similarly, documents written at…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…introduced new definitions of Indian status called 6(1) and 6(2), which did not change the logic of Indian status but only deferred the “bleeding off” of status by a generation….

Bill C-31

…Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women’s groups to pressure the Canadian government to change the law. This action was catelysed when Sandra Lovelace took her case challenging the Indian Act to the…

Video Resources

…Other Oregon tribes, and some in the midwest, suffered a similar fate through a policy that was generally known as Termination. This archive explores their experience of that change and…

Ipperwash Crisis

…land, a group of approximately 30 members of the band, including a number of children, began their occupation of the park on September 4, 1995. They planned to peacefully occupy…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…The UBCIC was founded in November 1969 when a number of chiefs across British Columbia united in response to the federal government’s proposed “White Paper,” a policy paper in which…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…Constitution. One of these demonstrations was the Constitution Express, an action that contemporary activist Arthur Manuel describes as the most effective direct action in Canadian history, as it ultimately changed…

Aboriginal Rights

…on a case-by-case basis. There have since been a number of court cases that have contributed to this definition. The 1990 R v Sparrow decision, for example, created the “Sparrow…


…“Aboriginal peoples” (plural) indicates a number of separate Aboriginal populations. To capitalize or to not capitalize? There is no official consensus on when to capitalize certain terms. Some people consider…

Community & Politics

…innocent man. Political Figures George Manuel was a prominent political leader who held a number of influential roles in his career, including chief of the Neskonlith Indian Band of the…