Electrical service call 📞 1-614-647-0039 ⬅ New Rockford

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Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…First Nations customary laws allowed for divorces, Indian Agents forbade them. A woman cohabitating with a new partner could be charged with bigamy and sent off to a reformatory, far…

About Nicholas Galanin

…‘contemporary’ approaches to art, he pursues them both in parallel paths. His stunning bodies of work simultaneously preserve his culture and explore new perceptual territory. Galanin studied at the London…

Bill C-31

…United Nations Human Rights Committee. Lovelace, a Maliseet woman from Tobique in New Brunswick, had married an American man and moved away from her reserve community. When the marriage ended…

Powley Case

…historic time frame qualifier needed a new definition that differed from the “pre-contact” conditions set for Indian rights in Van der Peet or Sparrow. As Métis peoples are a result…

Calder Case

…der Peet: Aboriginal Rights and Canadian Law, 1973-96.” Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Australia, Canada, & New Zealand. Havemann, Paul, Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 428-445. Foster, Hamar, Heather Raven…

Aboriginal Rights

…Aboriginal Women and the Application of the Canadian Charter.” In Thunder in My Soul: A Mohawk Woman Speaks. (Halifax: Fernwood, 1995). 131-151. —– “Constitutional Renovation: New Relations or Continued Colonial…


…administering the Indian Act and policies and programs relating to bands, including disbursement of administrative monies, social service programs, and educational programs; band administration is responsible for the day-to-day functioning…

Sparrow Case

New regulations set up by the government introduced fishing licenses and restricted Aboriginal peoples to “food fishing,”– fishing strictly for their own personal consumption. Despite these restrictions, the Musqueam continued…

Van der Peet case

…Peet: Aboriginal Rights and Canadian Law, 1973-96.” In Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Australia, Canada, & New Zealand, edited by Paul Havemann. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999: 428-445. Barsh, Russel Lawrence…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…had not been consulted about the new constitution, and there was initially very little reference to Aboriginal rights. Aboriginal groups across Canada became concerned that, with the transfer of constitutional…