Alaska Airlines Customer Service 1800-299-7264 Online Flight Reservations

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Artistic Expressions

…expansive terrain of an ongoing Aboriginal art history. Artists included are: Terrance Houle (Blood Tribe), Nicholas Galanin (Sitka, Alaska), Jaime Black (Metis), Jordan Bennett (Mi’kmaq), Nadia Myre (Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg),…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…sorely underfunded. Teachings focused primarily on practical skills. Girls were primed for domestic service and taught to do laundry, sew, cook, and clean. Boys were taught carpentry, tinsmithing, and farming….

Global Actions

…represents approximately 150,000 Inuit people across Alaska, Canada, Russia, and Greenland and, for a time, the Saami of Scandinavia. The ICC has consultative status at the United Nations, and is…

Special Projects

…exploration of the Berger Inquiry. In the 1970s, the Canadian government asked Justice Thomas Berger to make recommendations on a pipeline that would transport natural gas from Alaska, down the…

The Residential School System

…sorely underfunded. Teachings focused primarily on practical skills. Girls were primed for domestic service and taught to do laundry, sew, cook, and clean. Boys were taught carpentry, tinsmithing, and farming….

Guerin Case

…Constitution. By Tanisha Salomons & Erin Hanson Recommended Resources Supreme Court of Canada, Guerin v. The Queen, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335. Available online: Musqueam Band. “Musqueam Day 2020.”…

Powley Case

…Endnotes 1 Jean Teillet. “R. v. Powley, A Summary of the Supreme Court of Canada Reasons for Judgment.” Pape & Salter Barristers and Soliciters, 1. Available online at:étisRights_Powley_supremecourtsummary.pdf…

Community & Politics

…Union has also published news sources, runs resource centres (including an extensive online resource), and continues to work with and advise provincial government policies regarding Aboriginal relations, title, and rights….

Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

…Barkaskas, Patricia. The Indian Voice: Centering Women in the Gendered Politics of Indigenous Nationalism in BC, 1969-1984. MA Thesis. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2009. Available online via UBC cIRcle:…

Gustafsen Lake

…/Gustafsen Lake, 1995.” Available online at 2 Janice G.A.E. Switlo. Gustafsen Lake: Under Siege. Exposing the truth behind the Gustafsen Lake Stand-off. (Peachland, B.C.: TIAC Communications Ltd.) 1997. 101….