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Gustafsen Lake

…Drum. Reprinted in Smoke Signals from the Heart (2004) and used with permission from Totem Pole Books. Starting in 1989 as part of a multi-year period cycle of ceremonial commitment,…

Van der Peet case

…Despite Stót:lō peoples’ traditional practice of engaging in complex trade and barter relationships with other First Nations, the Court ruled that trade in salmon did not amount to an Aboriginal…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

… By Karrmen Crey. Works cited & recommended readings Books & Articles Lawrence, Bonita. Real Indians and Others: Mixed-blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood . Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004….

R. v. Sparrow Press

…1990 The Vancouver Sun, June 1, 1990 The Vancouver Sun, June 1, 1990 The Vancouver Sun, June 1, 1990 The Province, June 1, 1990 The Globe and Mail, June 1,…

University Lands Press

…Province, March 7, 2005 The Charlatan, March 17, 2005 The Ubyssey, March 31, 2005 First Nations Drum, March, 2005 The Globe and Mail, April 5, 2005 The Vancouver Sun, June…

Aboriginal Title

…afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under Canadian common law. Over time, various court decisions have contributed to this definition of title. Along with defining Aboriginal title in more precise terms,…

Guerin Case

…case was filed in 1975 and went through three levels of court before the federal court ruled in Musqueam’s favour and awarded $10 million in compensation to the band. The…

Sparrow Case

…1075. Kulchyski, Peter. Ed. “Sparrow,” in Unjust Relations: Aboriginal Rights in Canadian Courts. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 1994. 212-237. Helloing, Evaleen. “The Legacy of R v Sparrow.” (2020)….

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…Two. Dir. Maurice Bulbulian. National Film Board of Canada, 1987. Endnotes s Juristocracy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004. 196. 3 R. v Sparrow, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1075. Accessed online: 4…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…The UBCIC has adopted a firm stance on Aboriginal title to the land, and has consistently opposed the federal government’s Comprehensive Claims Policy as well as the BC Treaty Process,…