Sun Country Airlines 800-299-7264 Flight Booking Reservations Number

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Oral Traditions

…stone anyone who misbehaved, resulting in a number of distinct geological formations throughout S’olh Temexw (or Stó:lō territory). Xe:xals also rewarded individuals who showed exemplary behaviour by turning them into…


…2 Ibid. 3 Keith Thor Carlson, “Indian Reservations,” in A Stó:lō Coast Salish Historical Atlas, (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre), 2001, 94. 4 Cole Harris, Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and…

UBC Dialogue: Full Record

Video Controls TimeCode Chapt ChapterSelect — Chapters — Ceremonial Opening (Evening, Oct 31) Opening Remarks Musqueam welcome; remarks by Linc Kesler, Director of UBC First Nations House…

UBC Dialogue: Full Video Record

On November 1, 2011, in collaboration with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, the First Nations House of Learning at UBC hosted a day-long Dialogue on the…

UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011

On November 1, 2011, in collaboration with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, the First Nations House of Learning at UBC hosted a day-long Dialogue on the History…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…the U.N. Declaration—Or Is It?” Indian Country Today. May 3, 2010. —— “Emerging International Indigenous Rights Norms and ‘Over-compliance’ in New Zealand and Canada.” Political Science vol. 62, no.1 (2010):…

Guerin Case

…time, the Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club was looking for land for its golf course. The Club approached the Department of Indian Affairs (DIA) in the hopes of leasing 162…

Global Actions

…inhabitants of the country. In this situation, Indigenous populations have become socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable to discriminatory state policy and even to outright armed repression. A major thrust of much…

Constitution Express

…the British Parliament could change Canadian law. Patriating the Constitution would give Canada authority to amend its own laws and make it functionally a more independent country, and in October…

About the REDress project

…what the project is about, what the dresses represent. When they do ask or find out that the dresses represent missing and murdered Aboriginal women in our country they are…