N echipa națională a Tanzaniei{WWW,RT33,TOP}codb77}echipa națională a FranțeiިVanuatu victorie/înfrângere🦄Bundesligaೂurmărind fotbal🥖Joc Yemen🙋ceas nba liveЎProgramul de fotbal profesionist al Japoniei📭Zero Mantotoᄳ.szw/

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Aboriginal Title

…afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under Canadian common law. Over time, various court decisions have contributed to this definition of title. Along with defining Aboriginal title in more precise terms,…

Global Actions

although the United Nations generally identifies Indigenous groups as autonomous and self-sustaining societies that have faced discrimination, marginalization and assimilation of their cultures and peoples due to the arrival of…

Sparrow Case

…those interested in the affirmation of Aboriginal rights,”2 it also confirms that these rights are not absolute, and can be infringed upon providing the government can legally justify it. Further,…

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…hardship this coming winter,” Crey said. He also raised concerns about ongoing attacks against the Aboriginal right to fish, and called on all fishers, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal to “respect the…


…Aboriginal signatories of these treaties understood that the lands would be shared and their practices respected, not that they would be confined within a small allotment indefinitely. (For more on…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…to the thriving of the culture, and was not always strictly defined by its biological role, but was understood as a position of leadership and responsibility for caring for and…

The White Paper 1969

…1970. Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs. “Our History”. https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/about The Hawthorn Report Hawthorn, Harry, ed. A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada: Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies….


…Not only is cedar a key natural resource in the production of material goods, the tree also plays an integral role in the spiritual beliefs and ceremonial life of coastal

George Manuel

…of Indian Affairs Coordinator of the Field worker program with the Alberta Brotherhood Chief of the National Indian Brotherhood (now Assembly of First Nations) (1970-1976) Founder and President of the…

Gustafsen Lake

…and Dosanj would use these allegations to justify a request to the Department of National Defense to send armoured personnel carriers to Gustafsen Lake, along with other equipment and personnel,…