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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…Muszynski, Alicja. “The Creation and Organization of Cheap Wage Labour in the British Columbia Fishing Industry.” PhD Dissertation, University of British Columbia, 1986. R G-10, Vol. 12338, Indian Agent’s Letterbook,…

Lease Lands Press

…The Vancouver Courier, February 3, 1972 The Vancouver Courier, February 15, 1995 The Province, February 19, 1995 The Vancouver Sun, February 24, 1995 The North Shore News, January…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…restructured over time through a number of policies, including the Indian Act, Indian status, and the residential school system. Scholars, community members and other experts point out that even after…

UBC Dialogue: Full Record

…the need for work to continue Larry Grant (Musqueam Indian Band): The impact of the residential schools on communities; loss of culture, community stability; effects on families Louisa Smith A…

Sixties Scoop

…protection was one of these areas.2 In 1951, twenty-nine Aboriginal children were in provincial care in British Columbia; by 1964, that number was 1,466. Aboriginal children, who had comprised only…

Gustafsen Lake

…they were prepared to die if necessary to protect the land. The Sundancers were concerned about the need to continue to use the site for their religious and spiritual purposes…


…under the pretense that Aboriginal people did not need so much land and that white settlers would make better use of it—an ethnocentric view that defined “productive use” as resource…

George Manuel

…George Manuel (1921-1989) was an Aboriginal political leader in Canada who held a number of influential roles throughout his career. George Manuel was born February 17, 1921, a member…

The Residential School System

…differences between themselves and Indigenous Peoples as “proof” that Canada’s first inhabitants were ignorant, savage, and—like children—in need of guidance. They felt the need to “civilize” Indigenous Peoples. Education—a federal…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…differences between themselves and Indigenous Peoples as “proof” that Canada’s first inhabitants were ignorant, savage, and—like children—in need of guidance. They felt the need to “civilize” Indigenous Peoples. Education—a federal…