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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…by Cedar, Living by the River. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999. 232. BC Elders Communication Centre Society, “Elders’ Voice,” Volume 6 Issue 10, September 2006, 11. Available online at:…

Musqueam Legal History Digital Media Archive

…Musqueam Legal History — A Digital Media Archive The Musqueam Indian Band has been involved in a number of precedent-setting legal battles over the past few decades. Four of…

Gustafsen Lake

…did not reveal that it was in fact their own ERT. The RCMP would phone back once the ERT mission was over, revealing the men as RCMP officers.8 Several other…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…restructured over time through a number of policies, including the Indian Act, Indian status, and the residential school system. Scholars, community members and other experts point out that even after…

Sixties Scoop

…protection was one of these areas.2 In 1951, twenty-nine Aboriginal children were in provincial care in British Columbia; by 1964, that number was 1,466. Aboriginal children, who had comprised only…

UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011

…morning at the First Nations Longhouse as participants entered the First Nations Longhouse through the ceremonial entrance door, a door normally opened only for graduation ceremonies twice a year. During…

Global Actions

…Greenlandic founding organizations, Canada (members of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the National Indian Brotherhood), as well as the Saami of Scandinavia. The following year, in 1974, the International Indian…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…the following year. Upon its approval, the draft declaration was sent to the Commission of Human Rights, which established another working group consisting of human rights experts and over 100…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…Chiefs‘ Council. Each member of the Executive Committee serves a term of three years.3 The UBCIC holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year in which each member band is…

Oral Traditions

…stone anyone who misbehaved, resulting in a number of distinct geological formations throughout S’olh Temexw (or Stó:lō territory). Xe:xals also rewarded individuals who showed exemplary behaviour by turning them into…