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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…Indigenous fisheries” Accessed December 22, 2020. Available online at: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/abor-autoc/index-eng.html Harris, Douglas. Fish Law and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001….

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…and affirms that Aboriginal peoples are distinct within Canada with distinct rights. The Indian Act was an early sign of Aboriginal peoples’ distinct constitutional status that would become enshrined in…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…see our section on Aboriginal women & contemporary activism to continue reading. By Erin Hanson Recommended Resources for further reading Anderson, Kim and Bonita Lawrence, eds. Strong Women Stories: Native…

The Residential School System (2009)

…online: http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volume.html 18 Frideres & Gadacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 81. 19 Frideres & Gadacz, 85. 20 First Nations Leadership Council, BC Assembly of First…

The Indian Act

…that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, and political distinctiveness of Aboriginal peoples by absorbing them into mainstream Canadian life and values. The origins of the Indian Act: A…


Aboriginal groups agreed to share lands and resources with settlers in exchange for, among other things, the guarantee that traditional activities such as hunting and fishing would continue undisturbed. The…

Aboriginal Rights

…relationship. While each treaty differed, many historical treaties guaranteed that Aboriginal peoples would receive certain payments and rights, such as a right to hunt or fish, and rights to education….

The Residential School System

…2020. Website. [Date accessed]. Chicago: Hanson, Eric, Daniel P. Games, and Alexa Manuel. “The Residential School System”. Indigenous Foundations. https://indigenousfoundations.web.arts.ubc.ca/residential-school-system-2020/. (accessed Month, day, year). APA: Hanson, E., Gamez, D., &…

Aboriginal Title

early twentieth centuries, Crown representatives and leaders of Aboriginal communities signed treaties throughout most of Canada in an effort to resolve issues of outstanding Aboriginal title. These treaties set out…

Sixties Scoop

…reluctance to publicly acknowledge such abuse at the time.9 The Aboriginal Committee of the Family and Children’s Services Legislation Review Panel’s report Liberating Our Children describes the negative consequences for…