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Aboriginal Title

…1985. Available online: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ubcic/pages/1440/attachments/original/1484861461/12_aboriginalrightspositionpaper1985.pdf?1484861461 —– “Aboriginal Title Implementation.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/aboriginal_title_implementation_ubcic_1998 —– “’Certainty:’ Canada’s Struggle to Extinguish Aboriginal Title.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/certainty_canada_s_struggle_to_extinguish_aboriginal_title —– “Two World Views in Law.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/two_world_views_in_law Endnotes 1 Union of British…

Global Actions

…archived by the Centre for World Indigenous Studies’ Fourth World Documentation Project: https://www.cwis.org/document-category/world-council-of-indigenous-peoples-resolutions-and-papers/ Endnotes 1 Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “The First Decade of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations,” Peace and Change,…

Sparrow Case

…http://www.thecourt.ca/the-legacy-of-r-v-sparrow/ Musqueam Indian Band. “Statement on the passing of Ronald “Bud” Sparrow.” (2020). https://www.musqueam.bc.ca/statement-passing-ron-bud-sparrow/ Endnotes 1 Helloing, Evaleen, “The Legacy of R v Sparrow.” (2020). http://www.thecourt.ca/the-legacy-of-r-v-sparrow/ 2 Peter Kulchyski, Ed….

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…375-412. Endnotes 1 “Native groups want sport fishing ban after shooting.” The Canadian Pres, August 18, 2009. https://www.ctvnews.ca/native-groups-want-sport-fishing-ban-after-shooting-1.426462 2 http://bcelders.com/Newsletter/Sept06.pdf 3 Nicholas Xumthoult Claxton, “ ISTÁ SĆIÁNEW, ISTÁ SXOLE: ‘To…


…homes and belongings behind as they leave the reserve. (See, for example, the Indigenous Services Canada’s resources on Matrimonial Real Property on Reserves, available at https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1100100032553/1581773144281). Reserves fall under federal…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…online at: http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/chapter13.html Razack, Sherene H. “Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice: The Murder of Pamela George,” Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 2000, 15:2, pp. 91-30. Silman, Janet. Enough…

The White Paper 1969

…1970. Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs. “Our History”. https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/about The Hawthorn Report Hawthorn, Harry, ed. A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada: Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies….


…resources Videos “Bill Reid” – National Film Board of Canada. https://www.nfb.ca/film/bill_reid/ “Importance of Cedar” – SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. https://swswlibrary.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/importance-of-cedar.docx Images and online exhibits “Cedar: A Journey into…

George Manuel

…excerpts and so on available online via Doreen Manuel’s website, “Running Wolf Productions:” http://www.runningwolf.ca/from-the-heart/ Manuel, George, and Michael Posluns. The Fourth World: An Indian Reality. Toronto: Collier-Macmillan Canada, 1974. McFarlane,…

Gustafsen Lake

…viewed on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjoqaFg5ZjY Aftermath Gustafsen Lake continues to serve an example of a situation where excessive police, military, and government control were deployed in what many believe should have…