천안서북구거유〈카톡 secs4〉카톡 secs4 천안서북구대학생 천안서북구얼짱θ천안서북구회사원㊏천안서북구교제 ㄌ櫫 correspondence

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Sixties Scoop

…Embrace. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., 1997. 30. 5 Walmsley, Christopher. Personal correspondence, June 22, 2010. . 6 Sinclair, 66; Fournier and Crey; Johnston, Patrick. Native Children and the Child…

Oral Traditions

…6 Bruce Miller, personal correspondence with Erin Hanson, August 13, 2010. 7 John Borrows, “Listening for a Change: The Courts and Oral Tradition,” Osgoode Hall Law Journal 39, no. 1…

Global Actions

…31, no. 6 (2006): 60. 2 Paul Coe, personal correspondence with Erin Hanson, March 2010. 3 Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples (London: Zed Books, 1999), 6….