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Oral Traditions

…Fixico, Donald L. “That’s What They Used To Say”: Reflections on American Indian Oral Traditions. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2017 (Available as an ebook through UBC Library) Hulan, Renée,…

Sixties Scoop

…and listening to oral testimony, made 109 recommendations for policy change. Kimelman concluded that “cultural genocide has taken place in a systematic, routine manner.” He was particularly appalled at the…

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…of the Chehalis First Nation, Willie Charlie, was drift-netting on the Fraser River near the mouth of the Harrison River. As he prepared to deploy his net at a traditional…

The Residential School System (2009)

…Indigenous life histories and personal reminisces” (Wheeler, “Social Relations of Indigenous Oral Histories,” in Walking a Tightrope: Aboriginal Peoples and their Representations, 2005. 193) Milloy, John S. A National Crime:…

Ipperwash Crisis

…Mongrel Media: Thornhill, Ont, 2006. 90 min. Sources Used Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, “Background of Ipperwash.” https://www.cbc.ca/news2/background/ipperwash/ Canadian Press,“Ontario Set to Give Up Ipperwash.” CBC News. 1 March 2010. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ontario-set-to-give-up-ipperwash-1.892907 Ipperwash…


…Canada, edited by Binnema et al, 111–128. Available online: http://hdl.handle.net/2149/81 Pannekoek, Frits. A Snug Little Flock: The Social Origins of the Riel Resistance, 1869–70. Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer, 1991. Payment,…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…change of heart this way: New Zealand Read New Zealand’s official statement of support, from April 20, 2010, here. Read New Zealand Parliament’s Question and Answer Period regarding the UNDRIP…

Community & Politics

…include: The Assembly of First Nations – http://www.afn.ca The First Nations Summit – http://www.fns.bc.ca/ The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – http://www.itk.ca The Native Women’s Association of Canada – http://www.nwac.ca The Metis…

ILO Convention 169

…Peoples’ Rights Through ILO Conventions: A compilation of ILO supervisory bodies’ comments 2009-2010.” International Labour Organization, 2010. Available online: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/–normes/documents/publication/wcms_126028.pdf Schulting, Gerard. “ILO Convention 169: Can it help?” http://www.abyayalanews.org/document/2444 Swepston,…

ILO Convention 107

…in 18 countries.3 By Erin Hanson. Links & Recommended Resources International Labour Organization website: www.ilo.org Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/fp=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C107 “Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/indigenous-tribal/lang–en/index.htm Nations that ratified Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:11300:0::NO:11300:P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312252 Endnotes…