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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…peoples had already built flourishing economies based on salmon. The one-way spawning migrations of adult salmon to the stretch of river where they were born has always brought a crucial…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…intergenerational effects, or because they have not been adequately represented in educational curriculum and educational systems. Only very recently has the curriculum at all educational levels begun to address Aboriginal…

The Residential School System

administered by churches that had the nominal objective of educating Indigenous children but also the more damaging and equally explicit objectives of indoctrinating them into Euro-Canadian and Christian ways of…

The Residential School System (2009)

…the Canadian government and administered by churches that had the nominal objective of educating Aboriginal children but also the more damaging and equally explicit objectives of indoctrinating them into Euro-Canadian…

The Indian Act

…for us. We respected each other. We had ways of dealing with disputes.3 Judge Alfred Scow Countless communities were similarly impacted by the restriction on ceremonies, facing legacies that continue…


effect, it was an effort to extinguish Aboriginal title through administrative and bureaucratic means.”3 Reserve reduction in British Columbia Reserves in British Columbia had barely been established before government officials…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…“Aboriginal” became the mutually accepted term. In the Constitution, “Aboriginal” is used to include three groups previously defined by earlier categories: “Indian,” “Inuit,” and “Métis.” Each of these three predecessor…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

administered by churches that had the nominal objective of educating Indigenous children but also the more damaging and equally explicit objectives of indoctrinating them into Euro-Canadian and Christian ways of…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…through. Men had always respected that spiritual and mental strength and women respected the men’s physical strength. There was always a balance between men and women as each had their…

Global Actions

…structure designed to allow for effective Indigenous participation. The UNPFII is an advisory body that submits recommendations and reports to the U.N. Economic and Social Council. Its 16 members—half appointed