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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…Indigenous fisheries” Accessed December 22, 2020. Available online at: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/abor-autoc/index-eng.html Harris, Douglas. Fish Law and Colonialism: The Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001….

The Indian Act

…that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, and political distinctiveness of Aboriginal peoples by absorbing them into mainstream Canadian life and values. The origins of the Indian Act: A…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…and affirms that Aboriginal peoples are distinct within Canada with distinct rights. The Indian Act was an early sign of Aboriginal peoples’ distinct constitutional status that would become enshrined in…

The Residential School System

…2020. Website. [Date accessed]. Chicago: Hanson, Eric, Daniel P. Games, and Alexa Manuel. “The Residential School System”. Indigenous Foundations. https://indigenousfoundations.web.arts.ubc.ca/residential-school-system-2020/. (accessed Month, day, year). APA: Hanson, E., Gamez, D., &…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture. Ed. Cheryl Suzack et al. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010, 32. 4 Huhndorf, Shari M. and Cheryl Suzack, “Indigenous Feminism: Theorizing the Issues,” In ed….

The Residential School System (2009)

…woodworking, and domestic work such as laundry work and sewing. Residential schools systematically undermined Aboriginal culture across Canada and disrupted families for generations, severing the ties through which Aboriginal culture…


…of Indian and Northern Affairs, 1969. Available online via http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/inac-ainc/indian_policy-e/cp1969_e.pdf Accessed December 2020. 12 Indian Association of Alberta. Citizens Plus. (“The Red Paper.”) Edmonton: Indian Association of Alberta, 1970….

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…14 Ibid. 15 Lightfoot. 16 Ibid. 17 Canada. Canada’s Statement of Support on the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. November 12, 2010. Available online at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ap/ia/dcl/stmt-eng.asp…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…2020. Website. [Date accessed]. Chicago: Hanson, Eric, Daniel P. Games, and Alexa Manuel. “The Residential School System”. Indigenous Foundations. https://indigenousfoundations.web.arts.ubc.ca/residential-school-system-2020/. (accessed Month, day, year). APA: Hanson, E., Gamez, D., &…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…“Aboriginal” became the mutually accepted term. In the Constitution, “Aboriginal” is used to include three groups previously defined by earlier categories: “Indian,” “Inuit,” and “Métis.” Each of these three predecessor…