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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…In this section Introduction Fishing Since Time Immemorial Coast Salish Harvesting Methods The introduction of canneries and a wage-based economy The creation of an Aboriginal “food fishery” Aboriginal fisheries…


…Not only is cedar a key natural resource in the production of material goods, the tree also plays an integral role in the spiritual beliefs and ceremonial life of coastal…

Global Actions

…right to subsistence economies, the right to governance, and the right to land, protect the foundations of the society. They can be critical when these societies and cultures are threatened….

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…13 Sangster, 314. 14 “Breaking the silence about Canada’s 800+ missing and murdered Aboriginal women: Interview with Cree academic and activist Robyn Bourgeois.” Black Coffee Poet website, Feb 16, 2011….

Sixties Scoop

…of dried game, fish, and berries, and didn’t see fridges or cupboards stocked in typical Euro-Canadian fashion, they assumed that the adults in the home were not providing for their…


…or are to be used is for the use and benefit of the band. The Indian Act further sets out the degree of control and authority that the Minister of…

Totem Poles

…the last 200 years.5 Most historians and other experts agree that totem pole carving did not reach its peak until the nineteenth century, when many coastal First Nations were involved…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…rights, serving as a source of information for bands across the province, and building capacity for Aboriginal communities.2 The UBCIC also holds a special consultative status with the Economic and…


…French heritage). Others prefer the term Otipemisiwak which is a Cree term meaning “the people who rule themselves.” Many Métis groups have adopted terms of identity that separate their community…

ILO Convention 169

…while setting standards for national governments regarding Indigenous peoples’ economic, socio-cultural and political rights, including the right to a land base. The convention is law within the nation-states that have…