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Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…First Nations already coping with impoverished or inadequate economic and social infrastructures faced the possibility of having increased membership without resources to support them. In addition, years of coping with…

Aboriginal Rights

Aboriginal leaders and organizations such as the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) lobbied for the inclusion of Aboriginal rights with the hope that its recognition in the Constitution would…

Aboriginal Title

…1985. Available online: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ubcic/pages/1440/attachments/original/1484861461/12_aboriginalrightspositionpaper1985.pdf?1484861461 —– “Aboriginal Title Implementation.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/aboriginal_title_implementation_ubcic_1998 —– “’Certainty:’ Canada’s Struggle to Extinguish Aboriginal Title.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/certainty_canada_s_struggle_to_extinguish_aboriginal_title —– “Two World Views in Law.” https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/two_world_views_in_law Endnotes 1 Union of British…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010), 43-55. Settler mischaracterization of Aboriginal women’s roles As settlers arrived in what is now North America, they brought with them a foreign…

The Residential School System (2009)

…online: http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volume.html 18 Frideres & Gadacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 81. 19 Frideres & Gadacz, 85. 20 First Nations Leadership Council, BC Assembly of First…

Sixties Scoop

…The Sixties Scoop & Aboriginal child welfare In the case of Aboriginal mothers, stories of government involvement in family life often go back generations. The legacy of removing children…

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…In this section Introduction Fishing Since Time Immemorial Coast Salish Harvesting Methods The introduction of canneries and a wage-based economy The creation of an Aboriginal “food fishery” Aboriginal fisheries…


…of B.C. Indian Chiefs. http://ourhomesarebleeding.ubcic.bc.ca A fantastic resource about reserves and the cut-off lands in B.C., including the testimonies of those affected first-hand by the McKenna-McBride Commission, maps, photographs, and…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

BC, in which Frank Calder lost his case for Aboriginal title in 1973, may have turned out differently had Section 35 been in place at that time. Borrows also feels…

The Indian Act

…that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, and political distinctiveness of Aboriginal peoples by absorbing them into mainstream Canadian life and values. The origins of the Indian Act: A…