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The Indian Act

…that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, and political distinctiveness of Aboriginal peoples by absorbing them into mainstream Canadian life and values. The origins of the Indian Act: A…

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…at the same site, as well as across sites that differed in their ecological and physical conditions. In the Fraser River canyon, fishers stood on rocky outcroppings or wooden platforms,…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…own responsibilities as a man and as a woman. Beverley Jacobs, Former NWAC president and Mohawk activist, “International Law/The Great Law of Peace,” 35. Despite the vast socio-cultural diversity amongst…


…fall under the jurisdiction of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), as stipulated in the Indian Act. Fraser concluded that INAC lacks the capacity and resources and is generally unprepared…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…for groups that live under it. It is important, however, to understand that the Indian Act has produced powerful discourses of Aboriginal identity that have deeply affected Aboriginal people and…

Indian Status

…Indian Act on the Indian Register– a central registry maintained by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Status Indians are issued a status card that contains information about their identity,…

Global Actions

…The Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee is an umbrella organization representing Indigenous peoples across the African continent. The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network unites Indigenous women of the Asian continent,…

The Residential School System

…the individuals and the communities affected. In 1951, with the amendments to the Indian Act, the half-day work/school system was progressively abandoned, conceding power to the provinces to apprehend children,…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…the individuals and the communities affected. In 1951, with the amendments to the Indian Act, the half-day work/school system was progressively abandoned, conceding power to the provinces to apprehend children,…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…What is Section 35 of the Constitution Act? Section 35 is the part of the Constitution Act that recognizes and affirms Aboriginal rights. The Canadian government did not initially…