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The Indian Act

…claims, the federal government added Section 141 to the Indian Act. Section 141 outlawed the hiring of lawyers and legal counsel by Indians, effectively barring Aboriginal peoples from fighting for…

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…needed to build and operate weirs, traps, and reef nets safely and effectively. In addition, decisions about access to particular fishing spots were made by the elders of extended family…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…country with the goal of assimilating and “civilizing” First Nations peoples based on a European model. These policies had profound effects on Aboriginal women across the country. By outlining these…


…is addressed in the BC Indian Reserves Mineral Resources Act.) Because reserves are held in trust by the Crown, people living on them do not “own” the land. Property is…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…colonial efforts to eradicate them, or that Aboriginal people do not have agency to determine Aboriginal identity. In addition, for those Aboriginal groups not recognized under the Indian Act –…

The Residential School System

…ties. Chief Bobby Joseph of the Indian Residential School Survivors Society recalls that he had no idea how to interact with girls and never even got to know his own…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…ties. Chief Bobby Joseph of the Indian Residential School Survivors Society recalls that he had no idea how to interact with girls and never even got to know his own…

Global Actions

Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Other States.10 Delegates of the Indigenous organizations represent U.N.-designated socio-cultural regions that seek to achieve broad representation of Indigenous peoples: Africa; Asia; Central and South…

The Residential School System (2009)

…idea how to interact with girls and never even got to know his own sister “beyond a mere wave in the dining room.”3 In addition, students were strictly forbidden to…

Sixties Scoop

…and family services from the province or territory to the local band. Under the program, bands administer these services according to provincial or territorial legislation and child welfare standards, and…