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Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture. Ed. Cheryl Suzack et al. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010, 32. 4 Huhndorf, Shari M. and Cheryl Suzack, “Indigenous Feminism: Theorizing the Issues,” In ed….

UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011

…On November 1, 2011, in collaboration with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, the First Nations House of Learning at UBC hosted a day-long Dialogue on the History and…

UBC Dialogue: Full Video Record

…On November 1, 2011, in collaboration with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, the First Nations House of Learning at UBC hosted a day-long Dialogue on the History…

UBC Dialogue: Full Record

…on this event as well as a shorter edited video of this event: UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011. This page presents the complete video record: the menu system above here…