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ILO Convention 107

…first, large steps toward securing equality for Indigenous peoples by discouraging forced assimilation or displacement, acknowledging Indigenous rights to the land, and prioritizing education for Indigneous peoples in their own…

Berger Inquiry

…Formal hearings held in Yellowknife. Professor Michael Jackson of the University of BC organized hearings in more than 30 Dene, Inuit and non-aboriginal communities across the NWT so residents could…

Lease Lands Press

The Vancouver Courier, February 3, 1972 The Vancouver Courier, February 15, 1995 The Province, February 19, 1995 The Vancouver Sun, February 24, 1995 The North Shore News,…

Global Indigenous Issues

…in traditional economies and political systems, among other rights. We do not aim to profile these specific groups from across the globe but instead attempt to present some ways in…

About Nikamowin (Song)

…northern Manitoba. Swampy Cree is our dialect. I was raised there, but am currently living in Winnipeg, after an eleven year hiatus in Vancouver, BC. When creating a new piece,…


…by The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund through UBC Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost, and The Arts IT Fund through UBC Arts Instructional Support and Information Technology. We…


…Cedar Community & Politics Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35 Constitution Express Cultural Production of the Northwest Coast Culture Enfranchisement George Manuel Global Actions Global Indigenous Issues Governance and Land Claims…

UBC Dialogue: Full Video Record

Klamath Termination

…and part of what participants in this project describe. The termination acts were a landmark in US federal Indian policy, and were influential internationally as well: the policy served as…


…Aboriginal peoples. Voluntary enfranchisement was introduced in the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and was based on the assumption that Aboriginal people would be willing to surrender their legal and…