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Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…of the Chehalis First Nation, Willie Charlie, was drift-netting on the Fraser River near the mouth of the Harrison River. As he prepared to deploy his net at a traditional…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…subject for Aboriginal people owing to attempts by colonial nations and societies to undermine and eradicate Aboriginal peoples’ cultural and social distinctiveness in order to stabilize colonial authority and settlement…

Constitution Express

…The Constitution Express from Vancouver to Ottawa, New York, and London In order to bring national and international attention to the issue, as well as to potentially delay the patriation…

Global Actions

…The majority of the world’s Indigenous populations seek state recognition of these collective rights in order to protect and strengthen their societies. International human rights instruments, which have been designed…

Aboriginal Title

…the B.C. Treaty Process (BCTP) in order to finally reach agreements with First Nations over title. The BCTP has been very controversial, and not entirely successful. Many Aboriginal groups have…

Indian Status

…paternalistic policies towards Aboriginal peoples, the Canadian federal government assumed fiscal responsibility for Indians in order to support the colonial structures it imposed on Aboriginal peoples through the Indian Act,…

Oral Traditions

…of these stories from generation to generation keeps the social order intact. As such, oral histories must be told carefully and accurately, often by a designated person who is recognized…

Sparrow Case

…Ronald Sparrow was arrested for fishing with a net longer than was permitted by his food fishing license. His arrest and subsequent court case led to one of the most…

Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

order to improve the living conditions within First Nations communities, including providing adequate facilities on reserves, facilitating training programs, fighting discrimination, promoting equality and establishing political recognition for women and…

Aboriginal Rights

…existing Aboriginal rights and title in order to further settlement. During treaty negotiations, the Crown guaranteed certain rights to the local First Nations. There has since been much debate in…