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Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…tied to rural communities or reserves obscure their positions and perspectives. “Looking Aboriginal”: Race and Aboriginal Identity Anonymous postcard submitted to Post Secret. Image from www.postsecret.com The social realities of…

Indian Status

…(For more information on how taxation applies to status Indians, visit the Canadian Revenue Agency’s website here: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/brgnls/menu-eng.html). Who can have Indian Status? There are complex rules governing Indian status,…

Powley Case

…were harvesting their meat for winter.1 The pair were subsequently charged with unlawfully hunting moose and possessing game hunted in breach of the Game and Fish Act. The Powleys pled…

Van der Peet case

…Imperialism and Ropes of Sand,” McGill Law Journal 42 (1997), 998. 3 Eisenberg, Avigail. “The Distinctive Culture Test.” Human Rights Dialogue: “Cultural Rights.” 2.12 (2005). Available online at: https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/publications/archive/dialogue/2_12/section_3/5149…

Guerin Case

…from the sui generis right of Aboriginal title. In 1956, Musqueam held just over 400 acres of reserve land overlooking the Fraser River in Vancouver’s prestigious Southlands neighbourhood. At that…

Aboriginal Rights

…and the right to practice one’s own culture and customs including language and religion. Aboriginal rights have not been granted from external sources but are a result of Aboriginal peoples’…

The Indian Act

…http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/i-5/ The Indian Act is a Canadian federal law that governs in matters pertaining to Indian status, bands, and Indian reserves. Throughout history it has been highly invasive and paternalistic,…

The Residential School System

…The Justice System and Aboriginal People. Ch. 14 (http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/chapter14.html) [6] National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Canada), Marion Buller, Michèle Audette, Brian Eyolfson, and Qajaq Robinson….

Constitution Express

…At that time, instead of having its own constitution, Canada was governed by the British North America (BNA) Act. The Canadian Constitution fell under British law, which meant that only…

About Jordan Bennett

…for language, mainly directed towards learning my ancestors native tongue of Mi’kmaq. Growing up in Newfoundland has influenced my art a great deal, with a very unique cultural background consisting…