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Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

…organization that many believe successfully balanced province- and nation-wide organized political action with on-the-ground community involvement. The BC IHA provided advocacy and outreach work in response to issues experienced by…

About the REDress project

…women across Canada. It is an installation art project based on an aesthetic response to this critical national issue. The project seeks to collect 600 red dresses by community donation…

Van der Peet case

…R. v. Van der Peet [1996] The Van der Peet case was pivotal in further defining Aboriginal rights as outlined in Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Dorothy…

Powley Case

…41 (2004): 1049-1083. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, “The Powley Case—Frequently Asked Questions.” https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100014419/1535469560872 Stevenson, Mark L. “The Métis Aboriginal Rights Revolution.” MLaw Thesis, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2004….

ILO Convention 169

…processes that affect their lives, it limits Indigenous participation in political, social and economic matters to a system controlled by state governments and corporations. For example, under Convention 169, governments…

Calder Case

…territory. The province of British Columbia, however, refused to acknowledge Aboriginal title until 1990, when the British Columbia Claims Task Force was established. This would then lead to the B.C….

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…rights, serving as a source of information for bands across the province, and building capacity for Aboriginal communities.2 The UBCIC also holds a special consultative status with the Economic and…

UBC Dialogue: Full Video Record

…for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of his or her residential school experience. UBC Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff have access to counselling services (face-to-face, telephone,…

Government Policy

…  This painting depicts the drafting of the British North America Act in 1866. Painted in 1899 by John David Kelly. (c) 2007 Library and Archives Canada. Image courtesy…

Land & Rights

…means more than property– it encompasses culture, relationships, ecosystems, social systems, spirituality, and law. For many, land means the earth, the water, the air, and all that live within these…