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UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…can be read online. The UN Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) responded to these findings by creating the Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP), comprised of five independent experts as…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…terms had existing functions in Canadian law. “Indian,” for instance, is the generic term used in the Indian Act, a centerpiece of state identity regulation, since 1876. The Indian Act…

Aboriginal Rights

…Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). Henderson, James Sákéj Youngblood. “Postcolonial Ledger Drawing.” In Marie Battiste, ed., Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (Vancouver: UBC


…Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture, by the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research. http://www.metismuseum.com/ Political Organizations Métis National Council: http://www.metisnation.ca/ Métis Nation of BC: http://www.mnbc.ca/…

Indian Status

…such as band administration, education, and health care. The Indian Act has historically stated that those with Indian status have rights to live on reserves, share in band monies, vote…

Gustafsen Lake

…Vancouver Sun, 12 September 1995, A1. As quoted in Lambertus, 112. 19 Lambertus, 109. 20 Switlo, personal communication. 21 Switlo, personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court…

Bill C-31

…to reduce the likelihood that a band would deny membership to those who had their status reinstated, though this revision did not come with any additional federal resource allocations to…

Aboriginal Title

…Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. Foster, Hamar, “Letting Go The Bone: The Idea of Indian Title in British Columbia, 1849-1927,” in Foster and McLaren, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian…

Oral Traditions

…[1997] 3 S.C.R. 1010, par. 13. 20 Ibid ., par. 87. 21 Tsihlqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2007 BSCS 1700, par. 177, http://www.courts.gov.bc.ca/Jdb-txt/SC/07/17/2007BCSC1700.pdf 22 Ibid., par. 194. 23 Borrows….

Totem Poles

…In the early 1990s, the Haisla people of the Kitimat area in B.C. began the process of repatriating a mortuary pole that had been taken away from their community in…