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UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011

…(face-to-face, telephone, and e-counselling) through the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Contact Homewood Human Solutions at 1.800.663.1142 for 24 hour-a-day access to counselling. 24 Hour-A-Day Crisis Counseling Call 1.800.784.2433….

Aboriginal Fisheries in British Columbia

…his knowledge of the capacity of the camp, of the number of children that extended families had, of the number of fishing rocks that were accessible according to the varying…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…do not have close family ties and many deliberately go ‘missing’ for any number of reasons, including their desire to evade the police.”20 However, as scholar John Lowman points out,…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…their families. The ‘Scoop’ spanned roughly the two decades it took to phase out the residential schools, but child apprehensions from Indigenous families continue to occur in disproportionate numbers today….

The Residential School System

…their families. The ‘Scoop’ spanned roughly the two decades it took to phase out the residential schools, but child apprehensions from Indigenous families continue to occur in disproportionate numbers today….

The Indian Act

…as it authorizes the Canadian federal government to regulate and administer in the affairs and day-to-day lives of registered Indians and reserve communities. This authority has ranged from overarching political…

Gustafsen Lake

number of the Sundancers left the camp, partially as a result of negotiations with respected leaders. Switlo claims it was her agreement to represent the Sundancers, made on September 16,…

UBC Dialogue: Full Video Record

…(face-to-face, telephone, and e-counselling) through the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Contact Homewood Human Solutions at 1.800.663.1142 for 24 hour-a-day access to counselling. 24 Hour-A-Day Crisis Counseling Call 1.800.784.2433….

UBC Dialogue: Full Record

…to counselling services (face-to-face, telephone, and e-counselling) through the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Contact Homewood Human Solutions at 1.800.663.1142 for 24 hour-a-day access to counselling. 24 Hour-A-Day Crisis Counseling…

About Sovereignty Performance

…years Jordan has had the honour to meet various artists that have influenced him in the past, and has keep contact and even collaborated with a number of them. In…