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Land & Rights

…Aboriginal rights are collective rights which flow from Aboriginal peoples’ continued use and occupation of certain areas. They are inherent rights which Aboriginal peoples have practiced and enjoyed since before…

Lease Lands Press

…31, 1999 Terminal City News, February 5, 1999 The Martlet, April 6, 1999 The National Post, November 2, 1999 The Province, June 13, 2000 The Province, June 13, 2000…

Global Indigenous Issues

…which some of these groups have united across political borders and geographic locations, in the face of political opposition and countless other barriers, in order to engage with the international…

R. v. Guerin Press

…The Province, August 4, 1981 The Province, August 5, 1981 The Province, September 30, 1981 The Vancouver Sun, December 22, 1982 Canadian Press, June 14, 1983 The Province, November 2,…

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983

…Canadian Press, June 14, 1983 The Province, August 4, 1981 The Province, August 5, 1981 The Province, May 8, 1973 The Province, July 5, 1981 The Province, May…

Berger Inquiry

…Formal hearings held in Yellowknife. Professor Michael Jackson of the University of BC organized hearings in more than 30 Dene, Inuit and non-aboriginal communities across the NWT so residents could…

George Manuel

…in the inclusion of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. George Manuel was granted an honourary degree at UBC in 1983 for his contributions as a leader of Aboriginal…

About Nikamowin (Song)

…northern Manitoba. Swampy Cree is our dialect. I was raised there, but am currently living in Winnipeg, after an eleven year hiatus in Vancouver, BC. When creating a new piece,…


…In First Nations studies and related disciplines, the investigation of forces that create, shape and regulate identity, and thus influence perceptions of a particular group, is a central concern….

About Jaime Black

…issues, through provocation or creating space for reflection. She is particularly interested in feminism and Aboriginal social justice, and the possibilities for articulating linkages between and around these movements….