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Oral Traditions

…to maintain a historical record and sustain their cultures and identities. According to scholars Renée Hulan and Renate Eigenbrod, oral traditions are “the means by which knowledge is reproduced, preserved


…of Indian and Northern Affairs maintained a register of all people with Indian status registered under the Indian Act. Generally, those who were registered were also band members. However, the…

The White Paper 1969

…by the Indian Act would “enable the Indian people to be free—free to develop Indian cultures in an environment of legal, social and economic equality with other Canadians.” To this…

Royal Proclamation, 1763

…Great Britain after the Revolutionary War rendered it no longer applicable. The United States, however, eventually created its own similar law in the Indian Intercourse Acts. Despite arguments that the…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…(1) The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed. (2) In this Act, “aboriginal peoples of Canada” includes the Indian, Inuit…

Sparrow Case

…people across Canada. As such, the Musqueam band decided to defend to the charge against Sparrow. They outlined five main arguments: That the Musqueam retained the right to fish on…

About Sovereignty Performance

…the TeePee, what was the public reception like? The reason I chose to do the piece as a performance was to actually put a physical presence out here in our…

Community & Politics

…Aboriginal peoples have consistently responded to and actively resisted against unilateral, top-down imposition of government policies that impact their rights and title. We have grouped together several key examples…

Constitution Express

…of Lords (now known as the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom) to support Indigenous rights.16 Subsequently, after months of international attention and pressure from Aboriginal groups across Canada, the…


…adversely affected by incursions by industrial economies, displacement, and settlement of their traditional territories by others. For more on how this term was developed, please see our section on global…