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ILO Convention 107

…first, large steps toward securing equality for Indigenous peoples by discouraging forced assimilation or displacement, acknowledging Indigenous rights to the land, and prioritizing education for Indigneous peoples in their own…

Berger Inquiry

…and First Nations leaders who were involved in the earliest Indigenous rights cases heard in Canadian courts. Vancouver lawyer Thomas Berger, a graduate of UBC, was a key figure in…

George Manuel

…of BC, which launched his political career on a national and international stage. His proficiency at bringing people together to stand up for their rights was demonstrated on multiple occasions….

Government Policy

…crucial to early European explorers’ survival in unfamiliar territories, and later were valuable military allies in wars between Canada and the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries. When…

Global Indigenous Issues

…the United Nations (UN), which has responded to these groups by creating new bodies and policies to support Indigenous peoples worldwide. Early attempts to recognize the rights of Indigenous peoples…

About Nikamowin (Song)

…came from a place where I wanted to demonstrate how digital software and traditional modalities can work with each other. I really wanted to iterate that language is more about…

R. v. Guerin Press

…Province, October 12, 1979 The Province, October 17, 1979 The Province, October 18, 1979 The Province, May 22, 1981 The Vancouver Sun, July 4, 1981 The Province, July 5, 1981…

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983

…22, 1981 The Province, November 2, 1984 The Province, November 5, 1984 The Province, October 12, 1979 The Province, October 17, 1979 The Province, October 18, 1979 The Province, September…

Mapping Tool: Kitsilano Reserve

…1965, the entire reserve had been sold off. In 2002, the Squamish Nation regained a small section of the earlier reserve: today’s Kitsilano Indian reserve No. 6.   The following…

About Jaime Black

…of Manitoba and has an Education degree from The Ontario Institute of Studies in Education. She has taught in Opaskwayak Cree Nation in the Pas, Manitoba, has worked developing art…