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Global Actions

…with consultative status to the U.N. Social and Economic Council awarded in 1977. The IITC maintains a strong Canadian presence in the Treaty 6 area. George Manuel. Photo used with…

Indian Status

…paternalistic policies towards Aboriginal peoples, the Canadian federal government assumed fiscal responsibility for Indians in order to support the colonial structures it imposed on Aboriginal peoples through the Indian Act,…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…can be read online. The UN Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) responded to these findings by creating the Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP), comprised of five independent experts as…

Bill C-31

…the Indian Act status provisions. Lovelace joined the political action in the early 1970s, and took her case to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1974. When the Supreme Court…

Aboriginal Rights

…Future of Indigenous Rights. Hamar Foster, Heather Raven, and Jeremy Webber, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. 111-128.) Many Aboriginal peoples understand their relationship to the Crown as a nation-to-nation relationship,…

Aboriginal Title

…Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. Foster, Hamar, “Letting Go The Bone: The Idea of Indian Title in British Columbia, 1849-1927,” in Foster and McLaren, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian…

Sixties Scoop

…their homes and placed, in most cases, into middle-class Euro-Canadian families. This overrepresentation continues today. An epidemic of Aboriginal child apprehension The government began phasing out compulsory residential school education…

Gustafsen Lake

…Vancouver Sun, 12 September 1995, A1. As quoted in Lambertus, 112. 19 Lambertus, 109. 20 Switlo, personal communication. 21 Switlo, personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court…

Oral Traditions

…Us,” in Be of Good Mind: Essays on the Coast Salish, ed. Bruce Granville Miller (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007), 82. 4 Robert Perks and Alistair Thomson, eds., The Oral History…

Totem Poles

…What are totem poles? House frontal poles outside the Haida Heritage Centre, Kaay Llnagay, BC. Photo (c) 2010, Robyn Hanson. Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of…