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Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…exercising what they understand as their Aboriginal rights, such as hunting or fishing: Although s.35 guides court and government decisions that directly impact Indigenous Peoples, there remain a considerable number

Indian Status

…their band, and their registration number. “Status Indians” are wards of the Canadian federal government, a paternalistic legal relationship that illustrates the historical imperial notion that Aboriginal peoples are “children”…

Aboriginal Title

…resource development in the province declined due to uncertainty over Aboriginal title. A number of First Nations throughout British Columbia had set up roadblocks and other similar protests in desperate…


…“Aboriginal peoples” (plural) indicates a number of separate Aboriginal populations. To capitalize or to not capitalize? There is no official consensus on when to capitalize certain terms. Some people consider…

Aboriginal Rights

…on a case-by-case basis. There have since been a number of court cases that have contributed to this definition. The 1990 R v Sparrow decision, for example, created the “Sparrow…