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Oral Traditions

…deaf ears, and while he accepted their oral history as evidence, Justice Allen McEachern concluded that it held no weight. In his now infamous ruling, he concluded that the Gitksan…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…plan to include Aboriginal rights so extensively within the constitution when the Act was being redrafted in the early 1980s. Early drafts and discussions during the patriation of the Canadian…

Royal Proclamation, 1763

…our Royal Will and Pleasure, that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of our Colonies of Quebec, East Florida. or West Florida, do presume, upon any Pretence whatever,…


According to the Indian Act, a band may have one elected chief and one elected councilor for every 100 band members, with a minimum of two councilors required per band….

About Sovereignty Performance

…I have used everything from Moose antler to Acrylic paint, and any media from performance to video installation! Who or what inspires you the most? Inspiration comes to me from…

Sparrow Case

…1982 Constitution Act reinforced Musqueam’s right to fish; That any infringement on Aboriginal fishing rights was invalid, as evidenced by Section 35, unless justified as being a necessary measure of…

The White Paper 1969

…by the Indian Act would “enable the Indian people to be free—free to develop Indian cultures in an environment of legal, social and economic equality with other Canadians.” To this…

Constitution Express

…their message to an international audience. Eventually, the Trudeau government agreed to recognize Aboriginal rights within the Constitution. Contemporary activist Arthur Manuel calls the Constitution Express the most effective direct…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…an Executive Committee. The Chiefs’ Council is comprised of chiefs from each of the member communities, and serves as the governing body of the UBCIC. The Chiefs’ Council meets at…

Powley Case

…41 (2004): 1049-1083. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, “The Powley Case—Frequently Asked Questions.” https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100014419/1535469560872 Stevenson, Mark L. “The Métis Aboriginal Rights Revolution.” MLaw Thesis, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2004….