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The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…2020. Website. [Date accessed]. Chicago: Hanson, Eric, Daniel P. Games, and Alexa Manuel. “The Residential School System”. Indigenous Foundations. https://indigenousfoundations.web.arts.ubc.ca/residential-school-system-2020/. (accessed Month, day, year). APA: Hanson, E., Gamez, D., &…

Aboriginal Rights

…relationship. While each treaty differed, many historical treaties guaranteed that Aboriginal peoples would receive certain payments and rights, such as a right to hunt or fish, and rights to education….

Aboriginal Title

…Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. Foster, Hamar, “Letting Go The Bone: The Idea of Indian Title in British Columbia, 1849-1927,” in Foster and McLaren, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian…

Global Actions

…with consultative status to the U.N. Social and Economic Council awarded in 1977. The IITC maintains a strong Canadian presence in the Treaty 6 area. George Manuel. Photo used with…


…or unrecognized Métis peoples has been and will continue to be a major area of academic, legal, and political inquiry in Canada. And as scholars and other recognized experts revisit…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…Indigenous Peoples. Somerset: Transaction Publishers, 2009. Henderson, James Sa’ke’j Youngblood. Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples: Achieving UN Recognition. Saskatoon: Purich Publishing, 2008. Lightfoot, Sheryl. “A Sea Change on…

Sixties Scoop

…(with the residential school system, for example), the drastic overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in the child welfare system accelerated in the 1960s, when Aboriginal children were seized and taken from…

Gustafsen Lake

…Vancouver Sun, 12 September 1995, A1. As quoted in Lambertus, 112. 19 Lambertus, 109. 20 Switlo, personal communication. 21 Switlo, personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court…


…Forests. Coast Salish peoples have a creation story that explains the origins of Cedar. According to the story, there once lived a good man who always gave away his belongings…

Oral Traditions

…deaf ears, and while he accepted their oral history as evidence, Justice Allen McEachern concluded that it held no weight. In his now infamous ruling, he concluded that the Gitksan…