Totem Poles

…horizontal line breaks between totem figures, while Haida poles had closely intertwined designs with a shallow relief. In contrast, the Kwakwaka’wakw poles featured deeply etched surfaces and jutting wings and…

About the REDress project

…women across Canada. It is an installation art project based on an aesthetic response to this critical national issue. The project seeks to collect 600 red dresses by community donation…

Gustafsen Lake

…actions within the community.4 Escalating Violence There are several widely disparate versions of events that have been expressed over time. It is agreed that there were several instances of gunfire…

UBC Dialogue: Full Record

…survivor’s account and healing ceremony Susan Lizotte Intergenerational effects; the need for understanding and reconciliation between generations Chief Robert Joseph (Executive Director, Indian Residential School Survivors Society): Residential school survivors…

George Manuel

…term as Chief of the Shuswap people, a position which he held for seven years. In 1959, Manuel stepped into the role of President of the North American Indian Brotherhood…


…in Canada. They are typically isolated communities with high instances of poverty, substance abuse, suicide, unemployment, and mortality. Some reserves exhibit what has been controversially described as Third World conditions,…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…Indian, Inuit and Métis as all Aboriginal with existing rights, and that recognition has been further defined for each group (as, for instance, for Métis in the decision). Aboriginal rights…

Indian Status

…the State alike require that every effort should be made to aid the Red man in lifting himself out of his condition of tutelage and dependence, and that is clearly…

Global Indigenous Issues

…information presented here represents only a fraction of the ongoing transnational efforts to unite Indigenous populations internationally. In this section Global Actions provides a brief overview of the ways in…

The Indian Act

…the Indian Act of 1867. This act effectively treated Aboriginal people as children—a homogenizing and paternalistic relationship. Since the first pieces of legislation were passed, Aboriginal peoples have resisted oppression…