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The White Paper 1969

…by the Indian Act would “enable the Indian people to be free—free to develop Indian cultures in an environment of legal, social and economic equality with other Canadians.” To this…

Aboriginal Identity & Terminology

…“Aboriginal” became the mutually accepted term. In the Constitution, “Aboriginal” is used to include three groups previously defined by earlier categories: “Indian,” “Inuit,” and “Métis.” Each of these three predecessor…

Constitution Express

…At that time, instead of having its own constitution, Canada was governed by the British North America (BNA) Act. The Canadian Constitution fell under British law, which meant that only…

Totem Poles

…In the early 1990s, the Haisla people of the Kitimat area in B.C. began the process of repatriating a mortuary pole that had been taken away from their community in…

Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

…Due to difficulties in access to funding and a general lack of support from government and other organizations, the Indian Homemaker’s Association dissolved in the early 2000s. Their quick dissolution…

Sparrow Case

…treaty rights are hereby recognized and affirmed” in Section 35. Section 35 had been added to the Constitution in 1982 to protect Aboriginal rights. However, those rights had yet to…

Guerin Case

…for the use and benefit of the band“4 (emphasis added). The government demonstrated it did not act in Musqueam’s best interest by not consulting them about the revised terms of…


adversely affected by incursions by industrial economies, displacement, and settlement of their traditional territories by others. For more on how this term was developed, please see our section on global…

Government Policy

…Aboriginal rights discourse today. The White Paper ,1969 was a policy the government proposed but later dropped due to widespread resistance from Aboriginal peoples and organizations across Canada. Section 35…

Van der Peet case

account both the relationship of Aboriginal peoples to the land and the distinctive societies and cultures of Aboriginal peoples.1 The Supreme Court’s ruling and the subsequent adoption of the Van…