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About Jaime Black

…of Manitoba and has an Education degree from The Ontario Institute of Studies in Education. She has taught in Opaskwayak Cree Nation in the Pas, Manitoba, has worked developing art…

Artistic Expressions

…the use of performance, photography and video, artists have chosen new lenses to present themes found throughout Indigenous Foundations such as the Indian Act, Aboriginal women, identity and representation, and…

R. v. Sparrow Press

The Province, July 18, 1967 The Vancouver Sun, August 20, 1988 The Vancouver Sun, November 4, 1988 The Vancouver Sun, May 28, 1990 The Vancouver Sun, May…

Welcome to Indigenous Foundations

…and legacy of the Indian Residential Schools. For a description of this event and two ways of exploring the video records, see UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011. For an introduction…

Berger Inquiry

…Formal hearings held in Yellowknife. Professor Michael Jackson of the University of BC organized hearings in more than 30 Dene, Inuit and non-aboriginal communities across the NWT so residents could…


…Aboriginal peoples. Voluntary enfranchisement was introduced in the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and was based on the assumption that Aboriginal people would be willing to surrender their legal and…


…Identity negotiations produce categories that can exclude as much as include particular groups of people. These categories create blanket assumptions and stereotypes accepted as natural by outsiders, and may also…

About Nicholas Galanin

…Guildhall University, where he received a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts with honors in Jewelry Design and Silversmithing and at Massey University in New Zealand earning a Master’s degree in Indigenous…

About Jordan Bennett

…interactive performance spaces, I aim to form an atmosphere where traditional meets contemporary, shifting preconceived notions on an object or an actions original function or intent. Official website http://www.jordanbennett.ca…